The loft and library are always open in the Coho room. You’re always certain to find at least one student resting or reading a good book in our cozy reading area. Whether students are using pictures to read the story, or reading the words themselves, every student in starting to view themselves as a reader.

Raven Class (ages 9-12) school field trip to the Seattle Art Museum. Studying perspective drawing.

Creating opportunities for cross class projects broadens the multi-age experience for our students. Here the 5-6 year old Coho students work with their 7-9 year old Chinook buddies and spent a morning as scientists, making a hypothesis, observing, and recording findings in multi-age pairs.
We’ll be using this section of our site to let you hear from teachers and parents who want to share things that are going on at The Bridge School.
Children are naturally curious and love learning. At The Bridge School explore, test new ideas and build confidence through authentic hands-on activities, interdisciplinary projects, interesting field trips, outdoor education and student-inspired investigations.
For children to develop creatively, they need safe places to take risks and practice self-expression. At The Bridge School students have many opportunities to make choices, express themselves and develop their creative abilities through theater, music, arts and visual presentations.
Our school is rooted in a strong school community that includes students, families and teachers learning, working and playing together. By respectfully sharing ideas and responsibilities we foster compassion, understanding, friendship and fun!
The Bridge School provides an education rich in exploration, community, connecting to nature and interdisciplinary learning. Our goal is to nurture children’s natural love of learning by listening and working with students to meet their needs.