We regularly use nature as our classroom at The Bridge School. Our teachers use emergent curriculum, guided by student interests to create meaningful experiences for all ages.
Year: 2020
Sweet Science Experiments! Kokanee Class (Ages 6-7)
The Kokanee class added candy to different substances, made predictions, used observation skills and recorded their findings.

Creative Enrichment Workshops (Ages 7-11)
Each week, students gather in our Outdoor Learning Space to explore, grow and build during our Creative Enrichment classes.

Outdoor Learning
To meet the challenge of teaching and learning during these unusual times, our Bridge School teachers and staff have created outdoor learning spaces and opportunities for small groups. Students have enjoyed working with their teachers for short in person classes in our open air classrooms, in addition to experiencing zoom classes with their entire class.

Bridge to Broadway: The Jungle Book KIDS (ages 7-11)
Our fifth Bridge to Broadway production was Disney’s The Jungle Book! Having a regular creative outlet is not just part of a well-rounded education – it’s essential for a child’s emotional health and well-being. Besides being incredibly fun, musical theater helps develop many of the skills necessary for success in today’s world.

Coho Class (Ages 5-6)
This winter the Coho class has been learning how to think like scientists by experimenting with water! We started with a field trip to local parks to take notes and collect water samples and then observed them with microscopes and documented findings.

Creative Enrichment – Traveling Table (Ages 8-11)
Each week this session we are traveling to a new geographic location to explore cultures through cooking and art. So far, we’ve adventured to Ukraine to make Pierogies and experiment with Pysanky egg designs and then to Thailand for Thai Red Curry, Green Papaya Salad and to craft Loy Krathaong floating rafts. We learned about the Thai tradition of floating rafts to thank the water spirits for sustaining life and a successful rice harvest. Stay tuned for our next adventure!

Chinook Class (Ages 8-10)
Last week the Chinook Class spent a chilly afternoon in Seahurst Park for their Outdoor Education. They enjoyed the falling snow and learned first hand about insulation by doing an experiment designed to keep gelatin from solidifying and practiced keeping themselves warm in the cold weather. Hands on science in action at The Bridge School!